2015 Roagna Langhe Rosso
MAY 16 Bright ruby. Red berries, floral,
some anise and cherries nose. Scented. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, fresh,
fruity, juicy, dark and red berries. 87
2015 Roagna Barbera Piemonte
Selezzione Luca Roagna
JUN 16 (BiB) Bright ruby. Red
berries, anise and raspberries nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, fresh,
brighter than last vintage. 82
2014 Roagna
Dolcetto d'Alba
JAN 16 Ruby. Red berries, some light floral notes and darker berries nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, fresh, fruity, dark berries and light spicy note, a pure Dolcetto. 85
JAN 16 Ruby. Red berries, some light floral notes and darker berries nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, fresh, fruity, dark berries and light spicy note, a pure Dolcetto. 85
2014 Roagna Barbera d'Asti Selezione
Luca Roagna
JAN 16 Bright ruby. Red berries, some anise, light smoky note behind. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, fruity, fresh, bit short. 83
JAN 16 Bright ruby. Red berries, some anise, light smoky note behind. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, fruity, fresh, bit short. 83
2014 Roagna Barbera Piemonte
OCT 15 (BiB) Ruby. Fruity, spicy, light liquorice note nose. Fresh acidity, fruity, fresh, rounded, lively. Had a fresher box. 79
OCT 15 (BiB) Ruby. Fruity, spicy, light liquorice note nose. Fresh acidity, fruity, fresh, rounded, lively. Had a fresher box. 79
2012 Luca Roagna Langhe
OCT 14 Bright ruby. Red berries, light tar note, roses on the nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, fresh, fruity and detailed, firm and focused, red berries finish, good length. 87
OCT 14 Bright ruby. Red berries, light tar note, roses on the nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, fresh, fruity and detailed, firm and focused, red berries finish, good length. 87
2012 Roagna
Dolcetto d'Alba
OCT 14 Ruby. Scented, ripe dark berries, quite intense nose, almost seductive. Freshish acidity, ripe tannines, fruity palate, rounded. 85
OCT 14 Ruby. Scented, ripe dark berries, quite intense nose, almost seductive. Freshish acidity, ripe tannines, fruity palate, rounded. 85
2011 Roagna Barbera
OCT 14 Ruby. Scented, red berries nose, fruit driven nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, fresh and fruity, lively. 85
OCT 14 Ruby. Scented, red berries nose, fruit driven nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, fresh and fruity, lively. 85
2010 Roagna
Barbaresco Montefico Vecchie Viti
NOV 16 1240 bottles made. Bright
ruby. Scented, red berries, anise, detailed, nuanced, lovely strawberries and
cherries nose, layered. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, juicy, fruity, red
berries, anise, detailed, nuanced, long and refined. 96
2010 Roagna Barbaresco Pajè Vecchie
NOV 15 2288 bottles made. Bright
ruby. Tight, scented, red berries, cherries, anise and floral notes. Fresh
acidity, ripe tannins, fruity, dark fruits, red berries, anise, chocolate, tar,
structured, long finish. 95
2010 Roagna Barbaresco Pajè
NOV 15 8900 bottles made. Bright
ruby. Tight, some red berries, strawberries, cherries, anise and roses nose.
Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, cherries, morellos, some anise, roses, detailed,
structured finish, long. 94
2010 Roagna Barbaresco Asili Vecchie
NOV 15 1196 bottles made. Bright
ruby. Tar, roses, fruity, some leather, scented, lovely cherries and
raspberries nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, fruity, ripe, red berries,
anise, lovely balance and texture, long. 95
2010 Roagna Barolo Pira Vecchie Viti
NOV 15 Bright ruby. Liquorice,
coffee, chocolate, cherries, deeper nose, some morellos, touch of figs, quite
intense even if not fully open at this stage. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins,
fruity, cherries, liquorice, structured, firm yet almost lavish, yet somewhat
tight. It is not ready to tell all its secrets just yet, very long indeed. 96
2010 Roagna Barolo Pira
NOV 15 Bright ruby. Dark berries,
anise, some spices, liquorice, cherries, elegant and scented nose, bit tight.
Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, fruity, dark berries, liquorice up front, cherries
and tar behind, long and nuanced if tight. 94
2010 Roagna Barolo
NOV 15 Bright ruby. Scented,
violets, some roses, cherries, red berries, elegant nose. Fresh acidity, ripe
tannins, fruity, anise, cherries, plums, long if slightly hollow finish. 91
2010 Roagna Barbera d'Alba
MAR 16 From La Pira vineyard in
Casteglione Fakletto. Ruby. Red berries, some tar notes, floral, anise and
blueberries, scented. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, fresh, fruity, nuanced,
quite playful, long. 89
2009 Roagna Barbaresco Asili Vecchie
MAR 15 1282
flasker laget. Mørkt granateplerød. Parfymert, intens, detaljert, lakris, lær,
noe plommer, florale noter og nesten mineraler bakenfor. Besnærende duft. Frisk
syre, modne tanniner, detaljert, frisk, delikat, strukturert, kirsebær, lang og
sursøt finish. 94
2009 Roagna
Barbaresco Montefico Vecchie Viti
MAR 15 1346
flasker laget. Mørkt granateplerød. Noe blåbær, kaffe, kirsebær, lakris,
florale toner, fruktigere duft. Frisk syre, modne tanniner, intens, fruktig,
sødmefull, syrlige toner innpakket en noe mer avrundet kropp, lang. 93
2009 Roagna Barbaresco Pajé Vecchie
MAR 15 1856 flasker laget.
Lyst rubinrød. Parfymert, røde bær, lakris, detaljer, nyansert, flørtende duft,
fioler, tjære, kompleks duft. Frisk syre, modne tanniner, intens, sødmefull,
lakris og moreller, detaljert, noe mer avrundet kropp, lang. 94-95
2009 Roagna
Barbaresco Pajè Vecchie Viti
OCT 14 Bright garnet. Scented, floral, roses, violets, red berries, elegant nose, seductive. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, lively, rounded, fruity, long. 94
OCT 14 Bright garnet. Scented, floral, roses, violets, red berries, elegant nose, seductive. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, lively, rounded, fruity, long. 94
2009 Roagna
Barbaresco Pajé
MAR 15 Rubinrød,
tynn tegl kant. Parfymert, tjære, roser, fioler, lakris, delikat duft, kirsebær
og lakris. Frisk syre, modne tanniner, fruktig, strukturert, intens, plommer,
litt tyngre utrykk, lang. 91
2009 Roagna
Barolo La Pira Vecchie Viti
MAR 15 1860
flasker laget. Yngste vinstokker er plantet i 1936. Lyst rubinrød, tegl kant.
Parfymert, delikat, floral, røde bær, intens og flørtende, kirsebær. Frisk
syre, modne tanniner, strukturert, sursøt, detaljert, kirsebær, lakris, lang
finish. 94
2009 Roagna
Barolo Pira Vecchie Viti
OCT 14 Ruby, garnet rim. Leather, cherries, anise, roses, detailed nose, not quite as seductive as it's older brother. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, lively, fresh, little bit fuller bodied, red berries finish, long. 93
OCT 14 Ruby, garnet rim. Leather, cherries, anise, roses, detailed nose, not quite as seductive as it's older brother. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, lively, fresh, little bit fuller bodied, red berries finish, long. 93
2009 Roagna
Barolo Pira
MAR 15 Rubinrød
med tynn tegl kant. Kirsebær, lett tjærepreg, roser, floral og parfymert,
lakris. Frisk syre, modne tanniner, intens, sødmefull, lakris, varm frukt, noe
emmen før en friskere finish, lang og detaljert. 90
2009 Roagna Barolo
OCT 15 Bright ruby, garnet rim. Tar, roses, scented, almost minerals, anise, cherries and morellos nose, layered. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, fresh, lively, fruity, leaner for the vintage, elegant. Long. 91
OCT 15 Bright ruby, garnet rim. Tar, roses, scented, almost minerals, anise, cherries and morellos nose, layered. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, fresh, lively, fruity, leaner for the vintage, elegant. Long. 91
2009 Roagna Barbera d'Alba
NOV 15 Ruby. Some dark fruits, some
anise, scented, light cherries note nose. Quite intense. Fresh acidity, ripe
tannins, fruity, dark berries, some spices, anise, quite refreshing, good
length. 88
2008 Roagna Barbaresco
Montefico Vecchie Viti
FEB 15 Lyst rubinrød. Parfymert, lakris, kaffe, intens duft men en noe mer lukket flaske, svart te. Frisk syre, modne tanniner, intens, rik, detaljert, røde bær, kjøttfull, lang. 94
FEB 15 Lyst rubinrød. Parfymert, lakris, kaffe, intens duft men en noe mer lukket flaske, svart te. Frisk syre, modne tanniner, intens, rik, detaljert, røde bær, kjøttfull, lang. 94
2008 Roagna Barbaresco Montefico
Vecchie Viti
DEC 14 Bright ruby. Tar, liquorice, roses, cherries, intense and scented nose. High acidity, high of ripe tannins, ripe, fruity, rich, intense, layered, detailed, long and nuanced. 94
DEC 14 Bright ruby. Tar, liquorice, roses, cherries, intense and scented nose. High acidity, high of ripe tannins, ripe, fruity, rich, intense, layered, detailed, long and nuanced. 94
2008 Roagna
Barbaresco Montefico Vecchie Viti
OCT 14 Pale garnet. Tar, roses, cherries, intense, scented, liquorice behind. High acidity, high of ripe tannins, ripe, rich, fruity, intense, layered and detailed, nuanced and long. 94
OCT 14 Pale garnet. Tar, roses, cherries, intense, scented, liquorice behind. High acidity, high of ripe tannins, ripe, rich, fruity, intense, layered and detailed, nuanced and long. 94
2008 Roagna
Barbaresco Asili Vecchie Viti
OCT 14 Bright garnet. Coffee, intense nose, scented, liquorice, plums and morellos. High acidity, high of ripe tannins, ripe and fruity, rich, intense, layered and mouthwatering, long. 94
OCT 14 Bright garnet. Coffee, intense nose, scented, liquorice, plums and morellos. High acidity, high of ripe tannins, ripe and fruity, rich, intense, layered and mouthwatering, long. 94
2008 Roagna
Barbaresco Pajè Vecchie Viti
OCT 14 Pale ruby. Scented, anise, cherries, liquorice, red berries, floral nose, elegant. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, ripe and intense palate, fruity, detailed and nuanced, liquorice and leather, long finish. 94
OCT 14 Pale ruby. Scented, anise, cherries, liquorice, red berries, floral nose, elegant. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, ripe and intense palate, fruity, detailed and nuanced, liquorice and leather, long finish. 94
2008 Roagna Barbaresco Paje Vecchie
APR 14 Bright ruby. Tar, roses, anise, cherries, intense nose, highly scented. High acidity, high of ripe tannins, intense, fresh and lively, tight, structured, long. 94
APR 14 Bright ruby. Tar, roses, anise, cherries, intense nose, highly scented. High acidity, high of ripe tannins, intense, fresh and lively, tight, structured, long. 94
2008 Roagna Barbaresco Pajè
DEC 14 Bright ruby. Tar, roses, floral notes, cherries, liquorice and scented notes. Fresh acidity, high of ripe tannins, intense, fruity, playful, lively and long. 93
DEC 14 Bright ruby. Tar, roses, floral notes, cherries, liquorice and scented notes. Fresh acidity, high of ripe tannins, intense, fruity, playful, lively and long. 93
2008 Roagna Barbaresco Paje
FEB 14 Bright garnet. Tar, roses, floral, scented, lots of liquorice and some cherries. High acidity, high of ripe tannins, mouthwatering, fruity and lively. Delicate fruit nuances, firm texture, long. 93
FEB 14 Bright garnet. Tar, roses, floral, scented, lots of liquorice and some cherries. High acidity, high of ripe tannins, mouthwatering, fruity and lively. Delicate fruit nuances, firm texture, long. 93
2008 Roagna
Barolo Pira Vecchie Viti
OCT 14 Bright ruby, garnet rim. Highly scented, intense, layered nose, anise, intriguing, not that easy to describe, seductive. Fresh acidity, high of ripe tannins, ripe, intense, fresh and detailed, nuanced and layered, long. 94
OCT 14 Bright ruby, garnet rim. Highly scented, intense, layered nose, anise, intriguing, not that easy to describe, seductive. Fresh acidity, high of ripe tannins, ripe, intense, fresh and detailed, nuanced and layered, long. 94
2008 Roagna Barolo Pira Vecchie Viti
APR 14 1480 bottles made. Bright ruby. Scented, floral, red berries, tight nose, tar and roses, leather. Fresh acidity, high of ripe tannins, fresh and fruity, lively, nuanced, long. 94
APR 14 1480 bottles made. Bright ruby. Scented, floral, red berries, tight nose, tar and roses, leather. Fresh acidity, high of ripe tannins, fresh and fruity, lively, nuanced, long. 94
2008 Roagna Barolo Pira
FEB 14 Bright garnet. Tar, roses, anise, some cherries and stone from stone fruits. Slightly woody. High acidity, high of ripe tannins, tight, focused, lean fruit and body but intense flavours, long and firm. 92
FEB 14 Bright garnet. Tar, roses, anise, some cherries and stone from stone fruits. Slightly woody. High acidity, high of ripe tannins, tight, focused, lean fruit and body but intense flavours, long and firm. 92
2008 Roagna
OCT 14 Ruby, garnet rim. Scented, dark fruits, anise, tight nose even with air. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, ripe and fruity, somewhat fleshy, ripe morellos, liquorice, little bit warm finish. 88
OCT 14 Ruby, garnet rim. Scented, dark fruits, anise, tight nose even with air. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, ripe and fruity, somewhat fleshy, ripe morellos, liquorice, little bit warm finish. 88
2008 Roagna
Langhe Rosso
OCT 14 Bright ruby, brick rim. Scented, red berries, liquorice, detailed nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, fresh, lively, sweet morellos, red berries, stone from stone fruits, good length. 87
OCT 14 Bright ruby, brick rim. Scented, red berries, liquorice, detailed nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, fresh, lively, sweet morellos, red berries, stone from stone fruits, good length. 87
2008 Roagna Langhe Rosso
FEB 14 Bright garnet, broad brick rim. Tar, roses, anise, quite classic nose. Floral and cherries. Fresh acidity, high of ripe tannins, firm texture, grippy, god length. 87
FEB 14 Bright garnet, broad brick rim. Tar, roses, anise, quite classic nose. Floral and cherries. Fresh acidity, high of ripe tannins, firm texture, grippy, god length. 87
Roagna Barbaresco Selezione Luca Roagna
MAR 13 Ruby.
Figs, roses and tar. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, figs and raisins palate, good
length. 86
2007 Roagna Barbaresco La
Pira Vecchie Vigne
MAR 13 Ruby.
Scented, violets, fruitier and rounder. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, tighter
palate, refreshing and long. 91
2007 Roagna
Barbaresco Pajé Vecchie Vigne
MAR 13 Ruby.
Scented, violets, tar and morellos. Richer nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins,
elegant, refreshing and lively, long. 92
Roagna Barbaresco Montefico Vecchie Vigne
MAR 13 Ruby.
Scented, floral, violets and cherries. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, elegant
fruit, quite refreshing finish. 91
Roagna Barbaresco Asili Vecchie Vigne
MAR 13 Ruby.
Scented, tar, roses and anise nose. Fresh acidity, high of ripe tannins. Elegant fruit, slightly lean finish. 90
Roagna Barbera d'Alba
MAR 13 Ruby.
Smoky, spicy, dark fruits and berries. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, elegant and
refreshing finish. 87
2005 Roagna Barbaresco
Crichët Pajé
OCT 14 1650 bottles made. Garnet. Intensely scented, anise, roses, violets, red berries, flirting nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, fruity, ripe, red berries, layered, seductive and long. 93
OCT 14 1650 bottles made. Garnet. Intensely scented, anise, roses, violets, red berries, flirting nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, fruity, ripe, red berries, layered, seductive and long. 93
Roagna Langhe Rosso
MAR 13 Ruby.
Tar, roses, quite nuanced nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, elegant fruit and
body, good length. 88
2004 Roagna Barbaresco Crichët Pajé
MAR 15 1680
flasker laget. Granateplerød. Kaffe, lakris, moreller og kirsebær, lett floral
duft, noe mer tilbakeholden, nesten mineralsk bakenfor. Frisk syre, modne
tanniner, strukturert, detaljert, sursøt, kirsebær, lakris, svært lang, nesten
krydret finish. 96
2004 Roagna Barbaresco Crichët Pajé
DEC 14 1680 bottles made. Bright garnet. Scente, intense, red berries, violets, detailed nose, lovely. High acidity, high of ripe tannins, scented, fruity, intense, red berries, violets, layered and long, delicious. Bit more scented than last bottle a few months back. 94
DEC 14 1680 bottles made. Bright garnet. Scente, intense, red berries, violets, detailed nose, lovely. High acidity, high of ripe tannins, scented, fruity, intense, red berries, violets, layered and long, delicious. Bit more scented than last bottle a few months back. 94
2002 Roagna Barbaresco
Crichët Pajé
OCT14 1000 bottles made. Bright ruby, scented, ripe nose, liquorice, roses, red berries. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, ripe, fruity, leaner, detailed, nuanced, long. 90
OCT14 1000 bottles made. Bright ruby, scented, ripe nose, liquorice, roses, red berries. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, ripe, fruity, leaner, detailed, nuanced, long. 90
2001 Roagna Barbaresco
Crichet Pajé
OCT 14 1200 bottles made. Highly intense, scented, floral, anise, light tar note, layered nose, seductive. High acidity, high of ripe tannins, ripe, fruity, intense, sweet morellos, liquorice, long.
OCT 14 1200 bottles made. Highly intense, scented, floral, anise, light tar note, layered nose, seductive. High acidity, high of ripe tannins, ripe, fruity, intense, sweet morellos, liquorice, long.
2000 Roagna Barbaresco
Crichët Pajé
OCT 14 2000 bottles made. Ruby, thin garnet rim. Leather, scented, slightly dusty nose, cherries. High acidity, high of ripe tannins, fresh, red berries, intense and ripe, fruity, long. 92
OCT 14 2000 bottles made. Ruby, thin garnet rim. Leather, scented, slightly dusty nose, cherries. High acidity, high of ripe tannins, fresh, red berries, intense and ripe, fruity, long. 92
1999 Roagna Barbaresco
Crichët Pajé
OCT 14 2400 bottles made. Bright ruby, garnet rim. Scented, minerals, anise, violets and red berries nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, rich, ripe, fruity, firm, textured, needs time still to polish the texture, give it ten years, long. 94
OCT 14 2400 bottles made. Bright ruby, garnet rim. Scented, minerals, anise, violets and red berries nose. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, rich, ripe, fruity, firm, textured, needs time still to polish the texture, give it ten years, long. 94
1998 Roagna Barbaresco
Paje Riserva
OCT 14 480 bottles made. Garnet, brick rim. Tar and roses, scented, detailed and layered nose, seriously seductive. High acidity, ripe tannins, fresh, detailed, layered, intense and long, detailed. Superb. 96
OCT 14 480 bottles made. Garnet, brick rim. Tar and roses, scented, detailed and layered nose, seriously seductive. High acidity, ripe tannins, fresh, detailed, layered, intense and long, detailed. Superb. 96
1988 Roagna Barbaresco
Crichët Pajé
OCT 14 120 bottles reconditioned and released September 2011. Brick. Scented, cherries, anise, floral, detailed, lovely nose, maturing. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, lively, intense, fresh, detailed, scented, focused, long. 94
OCT 14 120 bottles reconditioned and released September 2011. Brick. Scented, cherries, anise, floral, detailed, lovely nose, maturing. Fresh acidity, ripe tannins, lively, intense, fresh, detailed, scented, focused, long. 94
1974 Roagna Giovanni
& Alfredo Barbaresco Riserva Vigneto Pajé
NOV 11 Pale ruby, brick rim, leather and anise, high acidity, ripe tannins, dry and dusty palate, metallic, tired.
NOV 11 Pale ruby, brick rim, leather and anise, high acidity, ripe tannins, dry and dusty palate, metallic, tired.