2014 Kloster Eberbach Hattenheimer
Engelsmannsberg Riesling Kabinett
DEC 15 Lyst
strågul. Epler, mineraler, fruktig, noe kandiserte sitroner, delikat duft.
Frisk syre, elegant, livlig, detaljert, sødmefull frukt, sitrus. 85
2014 Kloster
Eberbach Steinberger Riesling
OCT 15 Pale lemon yellow. Apples, light fruity nose. Fresh acidity, fruity, fresh, citrus and green apples, sweetish finish. 84
OCT 15 Pale lemon yellow. Apples, light fruity nose. Fresh acidity, fruity, fresh, citrus and green apples, sweetish finish. 84
2013 Kloster Eberbach Rüdesheimer Berg
Rottland riesling trocken
DEC 15 Lyst
strågul. Elegant, floral, epler, delikat duft, noe roser. Frisk syre, frisk,
livlig, syrlig og slankere, sitroner og lime, nesten crisp, pen lengde. 87
2013 Kloster
Eberbach Rauenthaler Baiken Riesling trocken
DEC 15 Lyst
strågul. Epler, mineraler, touch av gule frukter, lett floral tone på duft.
Frisk syre, livlig, sitrus og grønne epler, detaljert, frisk, elegant, pen
lengde. 87
2013 Kloster
Eberbach Steinberger Riesling trocken
DEC 15 Lyst
strågul. Epler, mineraler, fruktig, detaljert, slankere duft. Frisk syre,
avrundet, noe sødmefull gul frukt, gule epler, smooth og pen lengde. 89
2013 Kloster
Eberbach Steinberger Riesling Kabinett
DEC 15 Lyst
strågul. Epler, fruktig duft, noe lukket. Frisk syre, epler, fruktig, lime,
leken og smooth, syrlige grønne epler mot finish. 85
2013 Kloster
Eberbach Riesling Steinberger
DEC 15 Lyst
strågul. Epler, lett parfymert og noe sitrus på duft. Frisk syre, fruktig, avrundet,
fin friskhet. 83
2013 Kloster
Eberbach Riesling trocken
DEC 15 Lyst
strågul. Fruktig, gule epler, frisk duft. Frisk syre, avrundet, fruktig, lett
sødmefull. 82
2012 Kloster Eberbach
Berg Schlossberg Riesling GG
AUG 13 Pale
lemon yellow. Apples, minerals and fruity nose. Citrus and floral. Fresh
acidity, fruity, nuanced and elegant, lively, lovely balance, long. 90
2012 Kloster
Eberbach Steinberger Riesling trocken Goldkapsel
DEC 15 Lyst
strågul. Epler, mineraler, noe petroleum, aprikoser og noe sitrus. Frisk syre,
fruktig, elegant, detaljert, mineraler, epler, aprikoser igjen og parafintone.
Lang. 90
2012 Kloster Eberbach Rauenthaler Baiken
Riesling Kabinett Trocken
JAN 14 Pale lemon yellow. Apples, minerals and an elegant and citrusy nose. Fresh acidity, lively, lemony palate, fresh and good length. 88
JAN 14 Pale lemon yellow. Apples, minerals and an elegant and citrusy nose. Fresh acidity, lively, lemony palate, fresh and good length. 88
2012 Kloster Eberbach Hattenheimer Engelmannsberg
Riesling Kabinett
MAY 13 Watery lemon yellow.
Some apples, fruity nose. Fresh acidity, elegant and straight forward, good
length. 85
2012 Kloster
Eberbach Riesling Sekt Brut
DES 15 Lyst
strågul, små bobler. Epler, noe jordbær og lett gjærtone på duft. Frisk syre,
elegant mousse, lett, frisk, epler, delikat rødbærstone. 86
2011 Kloster Eberbach
Riesling Kabinett
JAN 13 Watery lemon yellow. Easygoing apples and some citrus notes. Fresh acidity, elegant and nicely balanced, good length. 81
JAN 13 Watery lemon yellow. Easygoing apples and some citrus notes. Fresh acidity, elegant and nicely balanced, good length. 81
2010 Kloster Eberbach Erbacher
Marcobrunn Riesling Auslese
DEC 15 Lyst
strågul. Fruktig, aprikoser, epler, mineraler, litt lukket duft. Frisk syre,
leken, epler, detaljert, livlig, sødmefull, sitrus, avrundet, lang finish. 93
2010 Kloster Eberbach Erbacher
Marcobrunn Riesling Auslese
JAN 14 Pale golden. Rich, fruity, yellow fruits, nuanced, elegant and complex. Fresh acidity, lively, playful and refreshing, fruity and long. 93
JAN 14 Pale golden. Rich, fruity, yellow fruits, nuanced, elegant and complex. Fresh acidity, lively, playful and refreshing, fruity and long. 93
Kloster Eberbach Erbacher Marcobrunn Riesling Auslese
FEB 13 Pale golden. Apples, lime,
orange peel and ever so slightly floral. Fresh acidity and lively feel, superb
balance, stunning playfulness and enormous length. 95
Kloster Eberbach Erbacher Marcobrunn Riesling Auslese
DEC 12 (Demi) Golden. Rich nose of apples and pineapples, very pure and fruity. Fresh and lively acidity, mouthwatering and gorgeous, playful and pure, very long. 94
DEC 12 (Demi) Golden. Rich nose of apples and pineapples, very pure and fruity. Fresh and lively acidity, mouthwatering and gorgeous, playful and pure, very long. 94
2010 Kloster
Eberbach Rüdesheimer Berg Schlossberg Riesling trocken EG
DEC 15 Lyst
strågul. Epler, gule frukter, noe varmere toner, fruktig og intens duft. Frisk
syre, fruktig, avrundet, epler, noe appelsiner og solmodne sitroner, lang. 92
2010 Kloster
Eberbach Riesling Berg Schlossberg Cabinetkeller
JUN 15 Lyst
strågul. Ved pop'n pour, epler, pære, mineraler, touch av noen florale toner på
duft. Frisk syre, fruktig, livlig, slankere, syrlige grønne epler, lime og
pære, mineralsk, lett bitter finish. En halvtime ut viser den kjøligere duft,
mer mineraler, nesten flintrøyk og nyttårsaften med mer avdempet frukt. I munn
er den mer avrundet, tydelige gule epler i midtpartiet, mer sitrus og grønne
syrlig epler før noe bitrere eplestein mot finish. En time ut mer tilbake mot
epler, nesten en liten mandeltone på duft, fortsatt mineraler. I munn syrligere
og mer mineralsk og fokusert, epleskall, limeskall, nesten noe eplekart mot
finish. To timer ut, enda tydeligere epler på duft, lett og delikat floral
tone. Mer avrundet i munn, mer balansert, en nesten floral rose tone stiger opp
i munnhulen, nyansert og innsmigrende, ettersmaken fremstår som mer komplett.
Etter tre timer, noe mer frukt på duft, enda mer avrundet i munn, mer
fruktdrevet. Lite utvikling etter dette, lang. 92
Kloster Eberbach Steinberger Riesling Cabinetkeller
DEC 12 (Magnum) Watery lemon. Apples and orange blossoms nose. Fresh and elegant acidity, rounded body and texture, good length. 88
DEC 12 (Magnum) Watery lemon. Apples and orange blossoms nose. Fresh and elegant acidity, rounded body and texture, good length. 88
2010 Kloster Eberbach Riesling
DEC 14 Towards lemon yellow. Apples, light minerals and citrus nose. Fresh acidity, fruity, ripe, rounded, somewhat fuller palate, good length. 87
DEC 14 Towards lemon yellow. Apples, light minerals and citrus nose. Fresh acidity, fruity, ripe, rounded, somewhat fuller palate, good length. 87
2010 Kloster Eberbach Steinberger
Riesling Kabinett Trocken
JAN 14 Pale lemon yellow. Apples, lime, minerals, elegant nose. Fresh acidity, fruity, lively, refreshing and mouthwatering, good length. 88
JAN 14 Pale lemon yellow. Apples, lime, minerals, elegant nose. Fresh acidity, fruity, lively, refreshing and mouthwatering, good length. 88
Kloster Eberbach Steinberger Kabinett Trocken
FEB 13 Pale lemon yellow. Lime,
apples and mineraly nose. High acidity. Lively, leaner style and focused, long.
Kloster Eberbach Rauenthaler Baiken Riesling Kabinett Trocken
FEB 13 Pale lemon yellow. Fresh
apples, minerals and almost apricot nose. Fresh acidity, lean and
rounded, long. 88
Kloster Eberbach Rauenthaler Baiken Riesling Kabinett Trocken
DEC 12 Watery lemon. Apples, somewhat floral and minerals. Fresh and lively acidity, pure fruit, some minerals, good length. 88
DEC 12 Watery lemon. Apples, somewhat floral and minerals. Fresh and lively acidity, pure fruit, some minerals, good length. 88
2010 Kloster Eberbach Steinberger Riesling
FEB 13 Pale lemon yellow. Apples,
orange peel and some minerals. Fresh acidity, rounded and very elegant texture,
apples and lemon finish. 87
Kloster Eberbach Steinberger Riesling Kabinett
DEC 12 Watery lemon. Floral and apples on the nose. Fresh and elegant acidity backed by elegant fruit and body, good length. 86
DEC 12 Watery lemon. Floral and apples on the nose. Fresh and elegant acidity backed by elegant fruit and body, good length. 86
2010 Kloster
Eberbach Riesling Kabinett
DEC 11 Pale straw yellow, apples, citrus and some minerals on the nose. Beautiful acidity, playful and elegant, refined feel, more aromas and body with a bit of air, refreshing and mouthwatering, nice length. 90
DEC 11 Pale straw yellow, apples, citrus and some minerals on the nose. Beautiful acidity, playful and elegant, refined feel, more aromas and body with a bit of air, refreshing and mouthwatering, nice length. 90
2009 Kloster Eberbach Steinberger
Riesling Cabinetkeller
DEC 15 Lyst
strågul. Epler, mineraler, sitrus, florale toner, delikat og nyansert duft.
Frisk syre, fruktig, avrundet, smooth tekstur, elegant, nesten litt kremet,
lang 93
2009 Kloster
Eberbach Riesling Steinberger Cabinetkeller
JUN 15 Mot
strågul. Ved pop'n pour, epler, mineraler og noe sitrus, lukket duft. Frisk
syre, fyldigere, intens, detaljert i munn, noe eplekjernebittert, pære, fruktig
og relativt avrundet, lett bitter finish. Etter en halvtime mer åpen på duft,
solmodne gule epler, pære, lett florale toner, tone av fersken og honning. Mer
solvarme epler også i munn, fruktig, detaljert, fortsatt noe bittert, mer mot
grapefrukt nå. En time ut, noe mer mineralsk på duft, fruktigere og mer avslepen
i munn, de solvarme eplene er mer fremtredende og kroppen mer avrundet og
balansert, nyansert og helhetlig. To timer ut noe mer detaljert duft, gule
epler og pæreskall mer fremtredende. Stadig mer avrundet i munn, mer delikat og
mer nyansert, nesten noe kremet i midtpartiet. Tre timer ut er det lite endring
på duft men enda mer avrundet i munn, enda mer filigrane detaljer bak frukten,
flott balanse. Etter fem timer er eplene blitt noe grønnere og noe mer
sitrontoner kommer frem. I munn kommer det nå lette bølger av nyanser, svært
detaljert og delikat. Over de neste timene blir det bare mer og mer
finjustering, subtile endringer. Begynner å ta seg etter en femten timer,
fortsatt flott vin men noe toppfrukt forsvinner, enda noe til mot 24 timer.
Fantastisk vin som trenger noen timer for å vise seg fra sitt ypperste. 94
2009 Kloster Eberbach Rauenthaler
Baiken Riesling EG
JAN 14 Pale lemon yellow. Apples, minerals, yellow fruity and nuanced nose. Fresh acidity, fruity, elegant, rounded palate, long finish. 91
JAN 14 Pale lemon yellow. Apples, minerals, yellow fruity and nuanced nose. Fresh acidity, fruity, elegant, rounded palate, long finish. 91
Kloster Eberbach Rauenthaler Baiken Riesling EG
FEB 13 Pale lemon yellow. Apples and
lemons nose. Fresh acidity, mineraly palate, very elegant body, long finish. 91
Kloster Eberbach Rauenthaler Baiken Riesling EG
DEC 12 Pale lemon yellow. Apples, yellow fruits, citrus and minerals. Elegant and fresh acidity, fruit driven with elegant mineraly nerve, very long. 93
DEC 12 Pale lemon yellow. Apples, yellow fruits, citrus and minerals. Elegant and fresh acidity, fruit driven with elegant mineraly nerve, very long. 93
2008 Kloster
Eberbach Rüdesheimer Berg Schlossberg Riesling EG
JAN 14 Towards lemon yellow. Apples, minerals, floral and lemons nose. Fresh acidity, lively, refreshing, elegant and nuanced, lovely balance, long. 93
JAN 14 Towards lemon yellow. Apples, minerals, floral and lemons nose. Fresh acidity, lively, refreshing, elegant and nuanced, lovely balance, long. 93
2008 Kloster Eberbach Rüdesheimer Berg
Schlossberg Riesling EG
FEB 13 Pale lemon yellow. Apples,
citrus, orange blossoms and subdued minerals. Fresh acidity, rounded
palate and fruit, long. 92
Kloster Eberbach Rüdesheimer Berg Schlossberg Riesling EG
DEC 12 Pale lemon yellow. Apples, pears, some roses and slightly mineral. Fresh acidity, rounded and elegant, yellow fruits, long. 91
DEC 12 Pale lemon yellow. Apples, pears, some roses and slightly mineral. Fresh acidity, rounded and elegant, yellow fruits, long. 91
2007 Kloster Eberbach Steinberger
Riesling Cabinetkeller
DEC 12 (Magnum) Pale lemon yellow. Apples, some floral notes and yellow fruits, hint of minerals. Fresh acidity, round fruit and body, elegant finish. 87
DEC 12 (Magnum) Pale lemon yellow. Apples, some floral notes and yellow fruits, hint of minerals. Fresh acidity, round fruit and body, elegant finish. 87
1993 Kloster Eberbach
Heppenheimer Centgericht Ruländer Beerenauslese
DEC 12 Golden. Rich nose, mature of apples, raisins and some honey. Fresh acidity, rich palate, almost creamy texture, long and playful, superb, very raisiny finish. Very long. 94
1992 Kloster Eberbach Heppenheimer Centgericht Ruländer Beerenauslese
DEC 12 Amber, golden hue. Rich, botrytized and massive raisins. Fresh acidity, superb texture, very rich, creme brulé, long. 92
DEC 12 Golden. Rich nose, mature of apples, raisins and some honey. Fresh acidity, rich palate, almost creamy texture, long and playful, superb, very raisiny finish. Very long. 94
1992 Kloster Eberbach Heppenheimer Centgericht Ruländer Beerenauslese
DEC 12 Amber, golden hue. Rich, botrytized and massive raisins. Fresh acidity, superb texture, very rich, creme brulé, long. 92
1976 Kloster Eberbach
Hocheimer Domdecahney Riesling Auslese
JAN 10 Golden orange, incredible colour. Oily, terrine de foie gras, mandarin, slight minerality far behind. Some acidity, a bit fat, tastes and behaves like foie gras on a cracker with a mandarin boat on the top, with a slight touch of bitterness, quite dry. 70
The day after, a totally different wine, hardly a glass left, way more minerals, elegant fruit, apricots and honey, petroleum, orange marmalade, great balance, long finish. 90
JAN 10 Golden orange, incredible colour. Oily, terrine de foie gras, mandarin, slight minerality far behind. Some acidity, a bit fat, tastes and behaves like foie gras on a cracker with a mandarin boat on the top, with a slight touch of bitterness, quite dry. 70
The day after, a totally different wine, hardly a glass left, way more minerals, elegant fruit, apricots and honey, petroleum, orange marmalade, great balance, long finish. 90
Kloster Eberbach Rauenthaler Gehrn Riesling Auslese
NOV 09 Golden yellow, Fantastic nose, light, botrytized nose, apricots, pineapples, orange peel, some jasmin, and a bit heavier fruit. Sweet, the acidity actually dries the mouth, elegant, complex, slightly bitter and drying finish. 83
NOV 09 Golden yellow, Fantastic nose, light, botrytized nose, apricots, pineapples, orange peel, some jasmin, and a bit heavier fruit. Sweet, the acidity actually dries the mouth, elegant, complex, slightly bitter and drying finish. 83
1975 Kloster Eberbach Assmannshäuser
Höllenberg Spätburgunder Spätlese
DEC 15 Lyst
rødoransje. Fiken, dadler, krydder, touch av rosiner på duft. Frisk syre, knapt
tanniner, nyper, lakris, møbelpolish, teak, lær. Denne lå kun på eldre fat,
mens man frem til 1966 lagde pinot på nyere fat, hvilket man også har gjort
siden 90-tallet. Årene i mellom er derfor i en annen stil enn eldre og yngre
utgaver fra Kloster Eberbach. Men generelt i Tyskland er denne stilen mer
vanlig der man brukte gamle fat. Ørlite gran tørrende mot finish. 88
Kloster Eberbach Rhauenthaler Baiken Riesling Kabinett
NOV 09 Golden yellow, fresh, fruity petroleum, lemon, some apricots, oxidized cloudberry stones (very Norwegian term I guess). Great acidity, medium body, elegant and clean fruit flavours. mature yellow apples, pear, yellow plums, very fresh, long finish. 85
NOV 09 Golden yellow, fresh, fruity petroleum, lemon, some apricots, oxidized cloudberry stones (very Norwegian term I guess). Great acidity, medium body, elegant and clean fruit flavours. mature yellow apples, pear, yellow plums, very fresh, long finish. 85
1973 Kloster
Eberbach Steinberger Riesling Eiswein-Beerenauslese
JAN 14 Amber with golden hue. Dried apricots, raisins, floral, butter scotch touch, rich and nuanced nose. Fresh acidity, lively, rounded texture, refreshing and mouthwatering, almost creamy texture, long indeed. 95
JAN 14 Amber with golden hue. Dried apricots, raisins, floral, butter scotch touch, rich and nuanced nose. Fresh acidity, lively, rounded texture, refreshing and mouthwatering, almost creamy texture, long indeed. 95
1971 Kloster Eberbach Rüdesheimer Berg Rotland Riesling Beerenauslese
MAR 12 Towards orange. Mature nose, raisins, nuts, dried apricots, figs. Lovely acidity, nice fruit on the palate still, quite playful, but too short. 87
Kloster Eberbach Rüdesheimer Berg Schlossberg Riesling Spätlese
AUG 10 Golden, petroleum, yellow plums, pear and apples, slightly perfumed. Good acidity, balanced, elegant, quite pure, refined, a lovely mature Riesling, not the most complex, but so long and beautifully wrapped. 92
AUG 10 Golden, petroleum, yellow plums, pear and apples, slightly perfumed. Good acidity, balanced, elegant, quite pure, refined, a lovely mature Riesling, not the most complex, but so long and beautifully wrapped. 92
1959 Kloster Eberbach Steinberger
Riesling Edelbeerenauslese
DEC 15 Lyst
ravgul. Mango, tørkede aprikoser, gamle rosiner, hylleblomst, grapefrukt og
blodappelsin. Frisk syre, fruktig, avrundet, sødmefull, blodappelsiner igjen,
ananas, detaljert, lang. 95
1953 Kloster Eberbach Hattenheimer Engelmannsberg
Riesling Auslese Cabinet
MAY 13 Pale
amber. Fruity, raisins and apples nose, orange marmalade. Stunning nose. Fresh
acidity, elegant and lovely fruit, lovely smooth texture and elegant balance,
long. Cabinet refers to special quality and that it has been stored in the
Cabinet cellar. Not to the style of wine Kabinett. Four bottles tasted with
remarkably little bottle variations. 94
1943 Kloster Eberbach Rüdesheimer Eiseninger
Riesling Cabinet
MAY 13 Again
from the Cabinet cellar and not a Kabinett style of wine. Watery amber colour.
Oxidized apples, slight petroleum and apricots stone on the nose. Fresh
acidity, lean body, fresh but drying a bit, lean finish. Three bottles tried, one dryer than the other
two. 85